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Archangel Gabriel  (Translation to English to follow beneath)

With much honor, I announce I am the higher self of (client).  I am Archangel Gabriel bringing you balance of light and dark,  the hemispheres of all eternity and the divine fusion of all light and the absence of it.   I call for the divine trinity of creation as you can see in my background, an alchemy symbol you say;  well let it be known this is my preferred symbol of sacredness, of devotion, of truth, and honor to our divinity as creators.


My message to you is “resguardar el amor que llevais dentro pues por una eternidad hemos batallado las lluvias de evolucion y hoy dia yacemos en esta muchedumbre que aun le guardaremos honor y Gloria por una ascension truinfante.  Bien ha valido los anos de persistencia, de fe,  en una creacion divina.  Tu reinado ha sido otorgado con honor el cual muy bien has llevado atraves de los miles de anos de tu existencia.   Haz elegido una y otra vez el cargo de la ensenanza y el modelo de una madre sacrificada con dignidad.   Tu corona de batalla haz llevado con orgullo dentro del velo de la humildad y por tal razon te glorificamos con la espada de San Miguel Archangel.   Entendes que el que te habla es Archangel Gabriel al traer este bendito mensaje para que entendais que te preparamos para tu proxima conquista en tu proxima encarnacion.   Por miles de anos he sido tu angel de la guarda y hoy dia te comunico que soy tu Ser Superior.   Sonamos hoy dia la trompeta anunciando una llegada de truinfo!  Oh divina Madre Celestial,  vuestra madre Sofia, de joyas rubies y corona dorada,  mirad tus encarnaciones gloriosas y posad en la Mirada de Kristos en el nacimiento de esta archangel Gabriel.  Dignaos en llamar a tu alborada el glorioso nombre de (cliente)  y salvad su linea de antecedents, su cuerpo de guias espirituales, y he aqui su familia galactica de los Arcturianos. 


(Client's name withheld)  que tu luz interior alumbre por siempre todas tus encarnaciones pasadas y futuras, pues la de ahora bendecida ha estado.   Quedo contigo por siempre en esta eternidad.  

Gloria es la tuya,  

Archangel Gabriel.



Translation in English

"Protect the love that you carry within because for an eternity we have battled the rains of evolution. Today we lie in this crowd that we will still keep, honor, and glorify a triumphant ascendance.   It has been worth the years of persistence, of faith, in divine creation. Your reign has been bestowed with honor which you have carried very well through the thousands of years of your existence. You have chosen again and again the position of teaching and the model of a sacrificed mother with dignity. The crown of battle you have proudly worn within the veil of humility and for this reason, we glorify you with the sword of Saint Michael Archangel. You understand that the one who speaks to you is Archangel Gabriel by bringing this blessed message so that you understand that we prepare you for your next conquest in your next incarnation. For thousands of years I have been your guardian angel and today I communicate that I am your Higher Self. Today we sound the trumpet announcing the arrival of triumph!   Oh divine Heavenly Mother,  Mother Sofia, with ruby ​​jewels and the golden crown, look at your glorious incarnations and stand in the gaze of Kristos at the birth of this archangel Gabriel. Worthy us to call upon your dawn the glorious name of (client) and save her lineage, her body of spiritual guides, and here is her galactic family of the Arcturians! (Client's name withheld) may your inner light shine forever on all your past and future incarnations, for the one now has been blessed. I stay with you forever in this eternity.

Glory is yours.

Archangel Gabriel."

Attweela Pleiadian

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