•Greetings to all. I am among you all present here today for I have been invoked to a generation of love and purity; To be channeled for the purpose of and the essence of integration through the eyes of the soul: art.
(Name of client is withheld), I am your great warrior spirit. To some, I am known as the great divine angelic being of the Elohim, Jophiel. In other cultures I am a warrior Indian spirit for I as Jophiel have many lights, many wings, many eyes, thus many divine interpretations. It is my honor to be known through your eyes now. Know my dearest, that you have other warrior spirits and other angelic beings around you. I am only a small portion of your divinity so pure, full of life and laughter, purity of the heart with no judgment.
Metatron: Your masculinity is within my twin flame. For you know who that is. In this moment I reveal to you the feminine divide which is I within you. You have chosen your path and mission (client's name withheld). Your blessings in this incarnation have been many. Your tribulations have been mastered your fears finally dissipated. Now you breathe as one with source. Your gifts and talents, in full development, and in full enjoyment to bring forth all your truest desires of manifestation
Kali Ma: A message I have here from a fellow sister, known and much loved as Kali Ma: Greetings my sister, I am Kali Ma. I am yours, I am hers. I am the one that speaks. Know that my fire is fierce within you as well. Be blessed and know that everything you touch shall become you and me, and all that is within you. In fierceness of your fire, our fire, be within you till eternity.
•I am the light of Metatron, within you. I am the light of transmutation that you bring forth in service to others I am the light. I am the spark of fire. I am the Violet Flame within your joy, within your truth, within your divinity.
Haylel: Capable are you, for I am another that speaks now. I am the Bringer of Light, the Circle of Fire. Do you know who I am? You hold my essence. My divine feminine sister, as Haylel, I bless thee. Now and for always till the end of no time. Ha Ha Ha
Jophiel Warrior
• Oil on canvas
• 18x24"
• 1.5" Depth Gallery Wrapped