Welcome, you have invoked the higher self of (client name withheld). I come forth as his higher self. See me as you may, a warrior among the elements of nature in his current timeline. A warrior seeking out that which to transmute from darkness to light bringing understanding and comprehension and compassion to those hearts that simply cannot see hear, sense, nor feel.
At his present time, this is where he stands, seeking without judgment in willingness to accept without change and even challenge. An interest he has developed in all that exists not only in his reality but realities in general. Questions -not doubts, on existence; questioning actions and thoughts on how to bring about -not conformity- but a willingness to work together within the collective.
(During the painting, he came through again, seeking a formulation on how to detect infringements, searching for additional techniques on how we humans on earth currently can detect negative attacks. We chatted for a brief time, and he exists within Inner Earth, looking about to assist us and contribute to the processes of our transmutational healing methods)
Of Inner Earth
• Oil on canvas
• 18x24"
• 1.5" Depth Gallery Wrapped