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Akashic Record Reading

Service Description

The Akasha holds the records of your spirit from its original creation from God/Source and all its incarnations, expressions, fractals, the entire blueprint. Your records are each decision you ever made to experience life in density, its energy, and its recording through every thought, word, emotion, and action that every one of your experiences generates; all that has formed your soul's blueprint for current timelines. Everything from your soul is recorded in the Akashic Records. Maybe there are specific messages your spirit guiThe Akasha holds the records of your spirit from its original creation from God/Source and all its incarnations, expressions, fractals, the entire blueprint. Your records are each decision you ever made to experience life in density, its energy, and its recording through every thought, word, emotion, and action that every one of your experiences generates; all that has formed your soul's blueprint for current timelines. Everything from your soul is recorded in the Akashic Records. Maybe there are specific messages your spirit guides wish to communicate. You have a spiritual team that guards your records composed of ascended masters and teachers plus your guides and those that may come forth in the session to answer your questions as it may be for your highest good. They will read your past, present, and future as there is no time. During this reading, you will receive healing messages from the Ascended Masters and Teachers to guide you with the best possible benefit to your situation. Peek into the realm of past or future lives as you unfold the mystery of your souls' histories. You can ask questions such as, "Which lessons do I have to learn? Why did I select my parents? Which benefits will this new career give me?" Dive into this amazing realm of channeled divine messages from the angelic realm to find your answers..... The session lasts an hour. You present 5 questions and each one is answered through the channeling of specific beings that come through to deliver your answer. Masters such as Our Lady of Sorrows, Yeshua Ben Joseph, Ganesh, Archangel Zadquiel, Metatron, Archangel Uriel, Lilith, and Archangel Haylel have come thru to clarify situations. Usually the being that comes through for you is in alignment with your frequency, so this can be your spirit guide or an angel. It's a beautiful channeled session just for you. The session is done via Zoom and the client must attend this live session.

1 h
122 US dollars
via Zoom

Cancellation Policy

Esoteric Vibes appreciates your support and loyalty. To continue providing optimum service in a structured manner, we have added 2 practitioners offering you a broader scope of options. Session cancellations and refunds will not be granted. Once you book a session, you can reschedule or exchange it for another type of session as long as it is with the same practitioner. To avoid last-minute rescheduling, please do not schedule your sessions more than a month out. To reschedule your session, please let us know within 3 hours of your appointment. Thank you.

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